Our guest blogger Erik Pocasangre and his co-worker Jackeline Menchu, both of the organization SerNiña, recently facilitated a powerful workshop for Mayan Hands scholarship recipients and their mothers.
At the end of April, we were honored to support the work of Mayan Hands in Sololá. SERniña was invited to work with the young women in a program to discuss gender roles and discovering one's true self.
The girls participated in a guided discussion about the significance for a woman of finding her path in life. An exploration activity examined the "gender boxes" that exist in students' communities, and how that they may impact their ability to reach their highest potential.
Through a participatory theater activity, the girls re-enacted and explored a Mayan folklore which focuses on the importance of discovering your real self and your "gifts for the world," not only for your own well-being, but also to make the world better.
The girls joined an active discussion and spoke with confidence about their own lives and the future. Looking back on the experience, they shared the following reflections:
"Everything we learned was very important. The activities were dynamic and productive and we were left with a lot to think about."
"I learned a lot of new things I hadn't heard before, like what a man can do and what a woman can do."
"Each of us has things we can do to practice what we learned and make changes if we need to."
Thank you to Erik and Jackeline for this important inspirational program. We look forward to our continued collaboration.
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